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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Recycled Notebook

I used recycled notebooks during my high school days. Not that my parents can’t afford, I just opted to used recycled notebook.

My sister, a preschool teacher then, had many used workbooks with no prints at the back of each page. So what I did, I cut the workbooks crosswise, covered with newspaper or old magazine.

I’m not bothered using the recycled notebook. My teachers even appreciated it. If only I knew back then that there’s blogging, then I probably take a pic of it. LOL

Classes had just started. I’m encouraging my nieces to use recycled notebooks. But they hate my idea…. not until they saw my output

So here’s what I did……

Goldilocks Box for the cover:

Not that I’m a big fan of Goldilocks. It’s just that the cakes we usually order are Goldilocks.

Look at the square hole in the middle. I have a pretty idea for this.


At the back of the box, the figure says “RECYCLE


Few scratch papers from our office

Size is A4 so I cut into half


And come up with these beautiful recycled notebooks.



I purposely save the hole for the front cover of notebook, so that kids can insert picture.


My niece love it…. and plan to insert Justin Beiber’s pic…. I honestly hate her idea… LOL



Smiling Sally


Friday, June 24, 2011

More Spoolie Dolls

Last Christmas my niece requested me [again] to make spoolie dolls for her friends. She’s so demanding, that she want to dress up all. But I was so tired that I insist that they are male Spoolie dolls and do not need dress at all. The very reason actually is that making small dresses for these dolls are very tedious…. and I was running out of time.

They look so cute and it seems each doll has its own character though they just look alike.

Spoolie Dolls


Spoolie Doll

Swaying side by side…

Spoolie Doll

“Help I’m drowning!!!!”


I’m dying….


Cool dude….

Spoolie Doll



The only girl among the spoolie dolls

Spoolie Doll


Friday, June 17, 2011

A Clay Project: Girl ' s face


Here’s my first project using Clayzee polymer clay. This is not an airdry clay, but this one is still unbaked. I still have to wait for my nephew who kept his clay project, because it’s actually a secret… shhh… the name of his crush was stamped on it. LOL… Perhaps tomorrow will be a perfect time for us to bake it since it’s Saturday.

I actually do not know how long should I bake this since there’s no instruction in the packaging of the clay. If you have any idea, please drop a comment, I will really appreciate it.


Two of my nieces was with me when I made this. And they kept on arguing on what letter should I put. Since they both have the same initials I decided to put the VP; as Vanessa Pearl or Venus Pearl. And they both agree with me! (*_*)

Do you have any idea where I can link this for brown? I stumbled once but I forgot the site….

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